Our apiculture activity starts as a hobby in 1984 and soon became our main passion by observing, learning and discovering the habits and secrets of the bees.
In those days, our main goal was the honey production.
Thanks to the honey production and Giuliano’s sharp eye, we did have the opportunity to notice the morphological and behavioral traits, which, being different between bee families, diversify the productivity and the pest and disease resistance.
Being beekeepers, we were all fighting against Varroa destructor; however we did not wish to succeed, as most do, by treating the bee families with acaricides.

As Giuliano claims, one life form which needs man’s intervention to survive, is a life form scheduled for extinction.
If parasites exist in nature, the remedy has to come from nature. Zebras do not become extinct due to lions; those who survive are the strongest and most skillful and their specie evolved. In the wild, predators and preys number are balanced.
Being convinced of the effectiveness of natural selection, we have created and experienced a methodology by which the viability of the bee family has improved via gradual steps.
Our commitment has reached significant results: nowadays we are able to procreate virgin queens and tested breeder queens, who in turn are produced from breeder queens tested at least for a year. Those are composed of queens who proved to be prolific, productive and to live in harmony with the family, without being treated against Varroa.
Later, we have worked also for the resistance to viral deseases of varroa, obtaining significant results.
Good luck to everyone who would try to embark on this feat.

Apicoltura Regina d'Italia di Debora Tognotti
Via delle Beccherie, 30 - 57017 fraz. Nugola - Collesalvetti (Livorno)
P.Iva 01853750493
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