Thanks to our own experience, we are able to supply the following high-quality and value-for -money products:
Our work is about breeding, genetic improvement and promotion of a working method on which a new beekeeping can be based. The bredeer queens from which we bred the queens intended for sale, are always chosen among those families that have produced the highest amount of honey and among the best fertilized queens of the apiary. They have been tested for 10 up to 24 months , without any acaricidal treatments, which bring them to perform a hyperproliferation of drones. Thanks to this breeding method, they have proven to be resistant to viruses and varroa, throughout the whole period of our tests.Link about bee genetics
- Queen Bees for sale: selection of queen bees descending from breeder queens tested to be resistant to varroa and viral deseases. -Virgin queen bees bred from selected mother queen bees -New nucleus in Spring 2018 , best selection of descendant queen bees bred from breeder queens which are varroa-resistant and high prolific. Booking form:Virgin queen bees Spring 2019 and nucleus of queen bees born from the best breeder queens Spring/Summer 2019
For any information, call on:+39 349 729 1856
Apicoltura Regina d'Italia di Debora Tognotti
Via delle Beccherie, 30 - 57017 fraz. Nugola - Collesalvetti (Livorno)
P.Iva 01853750493
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